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When buying electric mosquito rackets, we must remember the "three essentials"

Date of release:2019-01-11 Author: Click:

When choosing and purchasing electric mosquito rackets, one should pay attention to whether there are information such as standard number, date of production, factory address and telephone number of the manufacturer on the outer packaging.

Second, we should pay attention to whether there is a "lightning" danger sign or "dangerous high voltage" warning on the mosquito racket.

Thirdly, it depends on whether the instructions include whether the device should be kept away from children, not used in places where flammable gases or explosive dust may exist, whether there is a detailed description of the cleaning method, cycle and anti-leakage measures, and whether the use of the "lightning" sign gives a detailed explanation of its meaning.

A good quality electric mosquito racket can be identified by observing the handle, power grid and related signs. The genuine electric mosquito racket handle is made of engineering plastics with good gloss, while the defective product is usually processed by recycled plastics, which has burrs and great possibility of fracture. The electric mosquito racket with good quality usually has three layers, and the distance between adjacent layers is large, so it seems that the electric network is thicker. At the same time, the electric mosquito rackets manufactured by regular manufacturers are marked with information such as product name, operation method, factory site, factory name, etc. The products are also accompanied by instructions.

The address of this article:http://en.hongjiandianqi.com/news/400.html

Key word:电蚊拍电池,电蚊拍维修,电蚊拍批发

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