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Method of using electric mosquito swatter

Date of release:2019-01-11 Author: Click:

The electric mosquito racket is equipped with 4V rechargeable high-capacity lead-acid batteries. Each charge 8-15 hours, can be recharged 400 times, environmental protection and energy saving. When the switch is pulled out after charging, you can choose whether to kill mosquitoes under the lamp or not. If you press the switch, you can kill mosquitoes.

For mosquitoes parked on the wall or mosquito nets, press the power switch, when the red light is on, face the thin net to the mosquito, gently approach it, the mosquito is sucked between the two grids, and then it will be killed, the thin net down, loosen the switch, the mosquito will fall; for mosquitoes flying in the air, press the switch, the thin net is aimed at it, waving. You can move.

Destroy flies. Because of the high sensitivity of flies, certain skills should be mastered when using them.

1. For flies parked on the plane, hold the mosquito swatter in your hand, place the sparse net on the same plane 20-30 cm away from the fly, press the switch, and swing the fly quickly when the red light is on. The fly is sucked between the two grids and is electrocuted for 1-2 seconds.

2. For flies on the wall, hold the mosquito swatter in your hand, face the flies with a sparse net, place it on the wall and place it 20-30 cm below or on the side of the fly. Press the switch to swing quickly, and the fly will be sucked between the two power grids and sustained electric shock for 1-2 seconds, and the fly will be electrocuted.

3. For flies suspended on aerial ropes, hold mosquito-killing swatter in hand, face the flies at 20-30 cm with a thin net, press the switch and swing it quickly. The flies are sucked between the two grids and sustained electric shock for 1-2 seconds, and the flies are electrocuted.

If the fly falls on the desktop, it can place the sparse-faced net downward between the two metal bars of the sparse-faced net, press the switch and move gently. The insect is sucked into the net, turn the handle, make the sparse-faced net upward, and pick up the insect. There is no need to pick it by hand.

The address of this article:http://en.hongjiandianqi.com/news/398.html

Key word:充电电蚊拍,电蚊拍价格,电蚊拍图片

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