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How to Exhaust Electric Warm Bao and Its Method

Date of release:2019-01-11 Author: Click:

1. The simplest and most effective way is to shake. When heated for a few minutes, the hand warmer will bulge up and the sound of water boiling can be heard. In fact, the water is not very hot at all, so you can shake the hand a few times, and the gas will dissipate.

2. If you want to make the electric heating treasure hotter, you should repeat the above actions many times, until you feel the electric heating treasure is very hot, you can wait for the charging indicator to go out and cancel.

3. If your electric heater has an exhaust port, it will be easy. The vent is right next to the power outlet. There is a translucent plastic place. You can pry it open with a small scissors (about 8 mm plastic plug) to exhaust or add water.

4. When charging, press a lighter thing on the electric heating treasure. It is better to cover all the electric heating treasures. Things must be controlled within 200 grams in order to avoid danger. This is also conducive to gas emissions.

The address of this article:http://en.hongjiandianqi.com/news/391.html

Key word:充电暖手宝,电暖宝品牌,电暖手宝

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